Building the Parent Community

Members of the Parents Advisory Council advise staff on communication with other Carleton parents about upcoming events and issues.

The Parents Advisory Council advises the College on helping parents feel connected to campus and to one another, through communication channels such as webinars and the parent newsletter, and events such as Summer Send-Offs and Family Weekend.

All Roles & Responsibilities

Parents and Families Newsletter

Parents and Families Newsletter is sent via email to Carleton parents bi-weekly during the academic year. It features updates from campus, content about students and faculty, opportunities for students such as internships or study abroad programs, reminders about the support available for students, and important deadlines.

Parents Email Discussion Group

The parent Carleton Email Group is a great way to connect with other parents. It provides a forum for parent-to-parent communication, from questions about packing for arrival freshman year and the best care packages for finals, to tips on navigating graduation weekend.